Showing 1 - 22 of 22 Results
Learning and Practicing Econometrics by William E. Griffiths, R. Ca... ISBN: 9780471513643
Theory and Practice of Econometrics - George G. Judge - Hardcover by Judge, George G., Griffiths... ISBN: 9780471059387 List Price: $46.45
Undergraduate Econometrics by Hill, R. Carter, Griffiths... ISBN: 9780471139935 List Price: $88.95
Divine Program : An Interpretation of the Divine Method of Redemption and of the Nature and ... by Griffiths, George William, ... ISBN: 9781164493976 List Price: $34.36
The Divine Program: An Interpretation of the Divine Method of Redemption and of the Nature a... by George William Griffiths, W... ISBN: 9781494061739 List Price: $32.95
The Divine Program: An Interpretation of the Divine Method of Redemption and of the Nature a... by George William Griffiths, W... ISBN: 9781258929923 List Price: $47.95
Undergraduate Econometrics by Hill, R. Carter, Griffiths,... ISBN: 9780471331841 List Price: $187.95
Learning and Practicing Econometrics, Shazam Handbook by William E. Griffiths, R. Ca... ISBN: 9780471585923
Learning Sas A Computer Handbook for Econometrics by Griffiths, William E., Hill... ISBN: 9780471585534 List Price: $48.95
Using Excel for Undergraduate Econometrics by Hill, R. Carter, Griffiths,... ISBN: 9780471412373 List Price: $39.95
Divine Program: An Interpretation of the Divine Method of Redemption and of the Nature and N... by Griffiths, George William, ... ISBN: 9781436673198 List Price: $42.95
Using Eviews for Undergraduate Econometrics by Hill, R. Carter, Griffiths,... ISBN: 9780471412397 List Price: $68.95
Learning Econometrics Using Gauss A Computer Handbook to Accompany Introduction to the Theor... by Judge, George G., Griffith,... ISBN: 9780471510741 List Price: $56.95
Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics by Judge, George G., Griffiths... ISBN: 9780471099628
The Divine Program: An Interpretation of the Divine Method of Redemption and of the Nature a... by Griffiths, George William, ... ISBN: 9781432500481 List Price: $27.95
Materia Medica and Pharmacy: For the Use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Students Preparing fo... by George F. Duffey, William H... ISBN: 9781113007919 List Price: $23.99
Gweddi Yr Arglwydd: Wedi Ei Hegluro, Mewn Amryw Ymadroddion : Neu Bregethau Byrrion by George Griffith, William Fo... ISBN: 9781246329018 List Price: $26.75
Records of York Castle, by a W Twyford and a Griffiths [with] York and York Castle : An Appe... by Twyford, Anthony William, A... ISBN: 9781279257166 List Price: $31.75
Antiquarian, Ethnological, and Other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chili: Wit... by William Bollaert, Professor... ISBN: 9781358683961 List Price: $26.95
Divine Program : An Interpretation of the Divine Method of Redemption and of the Nature and ... by Griffiths, George William, ... ISBN: 9781163145319 List Price: $22.36
Antiquarian, Ethnological, and Other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chili : Wi... by Griffiths, Ralph, Griffiths... ISBN: 9781147465877 List Price: $30.75
Materia Medica and Pharmacy: for the Use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Students Preparing by Handsel Griffiths, George F... ISBN: 9781113007926 List Price: $24.99